Parrot mimics owner's voice to boss around her other pets

Saturday, January 24, 2009
သခင္ရဲ.အသံကုိတုၿပီးဘ၀တူတစ္ၿခားတိရိစ ၦာန္ေတြကုိအမိန္.ေပးတတ္တဲ.အာဂႀကက္တူေရြး
A parrot that learned to mimic his owner's voice is using the skill to issue orders to her other pets.

                              Barney နဲ.သူ.သခင္မ၊ဘ၀တူတစ္အိမ္ထဲေနတယ္ရီယာေခြး

ဘားေနးလုိ.အမည္ရတဲ.အာဖရိကႀကက္တူေရြးတစ္ေကာင္ဟာသူ.သခင္မ Margaret Sullivan ရဲ.ေခြး
သံုးေကာင္ၿဖစ္တဲ. Harry, Tilly and Bluey တုိ.ကုိနာမည္နဲ.ကိုေခၚနိုင္ပါသတဲ.။
အသက္ ၁၀ ႏွစ္ရွိၿပီၿဖစ္တဲ.ငွက္ဟာ” ဒီကုိလာခဲ.ဦး ” အစရွိသၿဖင္.အမိန္.ေပးတတ္ၿပီးသူ.အႀကဳိက္ဆံုး
Gloucestershire နယ္ Tredworth ေဒသ မွာေနတဲ. Ken Kersey ဆုိတဲ.သူ.ခင္ပြန္းအဘုိးႀကီးနဲ.
အတူေနထုိင္တဲ.အသက္ ၆၅ ႏွစ္ရွိ Mrs Sullivan ကသူမရဲ.ႀကက္တူေရြးဘားေနးဟာသူ.ကုိယ္
သူကသူ.ကုိယ္သူကြ်န္မရဲ.အခ်စ္ဆံုးအိမ္ေမြးတိရိစ ၦာန္လုိ.အေသအခ်ာသူ.ကုိယ္သူထင္ေနတာပါ။ဒါ
ထုိအဖုိးႀကီးနွင္.အဖြားႀကီးမွာ ၁၂ ႏွစ္အရြယ္ရွိအယ္ေဇးရွင္းမ်ဴိးစပ္ Harry ၊  ၃ ႏွစ္အရြယ္ရွိတယ္ရီယာ
မ်ဴိး Tilly ႏွင္.သား   ၈ လအရြယ္ရွိ Bluey ဆုိၿပီးေခြးသံုးေကာင္ရွိပါတယ္။
ေၿမး ၇ ေယာက္တုိ.ရဲ.ဘြားဘြားၿဖစ္တဲ. Mrs Sullivan ဟာ ဘားေနးကိုငယ္ရြယ္စဥ္ ၁၉၉၈ ခုႏွစ္မွာ
သူသေဘာအက်ဆံုးအလုပ္ကေတာ. shadow ဆုိတဲ.ေႀကာင္ကိုအမည္တပ္ေခၚေလ.ရွိၿပီးအဲဒီေႀကာင္
 Mr Sullivan ကေၿပာရာမွာဒီေကာင္ကအၿမဲတန္းပဲ ” ဒီကုိလာဦး၊ကဲပါကြာ၊သိပ္ေတာ္တဲ.ေခြးပဲ ” စသည္
ၿဖင္.ေခြးေတြကိုေၿပာတတ္ၿပီးတစ္ၿခားတိရိစ ၦာန္ေတြကိုလည္းအဘြားႀကီးေလသံနဲ.ခုိင္းေနတတ္တယ္လုိ.

ဧကႏ ၱအရင္ဘ၀ကလူေပၚလူေဇာ္လုပ္နည္းစာအုပ္ဖတ္ခဲ.ဖူးတယ္ထင္တယ္။

Barney, an African Grey Parrot, calls Margaret Sullivan's three dogs – Harry, Tilly and Bluey – by name.

The bird, 10, squawks out orders like "come here" and even offers praise to his favourites such as "good dog".
Mrs Sullivan, 65, who lives in Tredworth, Gloucestershire, with partner Ken Kersey, 62, admitted that Barney has a "very high opinion of himself".

She said: "Barney's a really bossy parrot. He even chats back at me and swears when I'm talking sometimes – he's so cheeky.

"He's always tried to learn how to speak in my voice but he has got better and better at it ever since I bought him.

"Barney's got a really high opinion of himself and he certainly likes to think he's my favourite out of the pets. He's not – but I would never tell him that."

Mr and Mrs Sullivan own three dogs, Alsatian-Collie cross Harry, 12, Cairn terrier Tilly, three, and her son Bluey, eight-months.

Mrs Sullivan, a grandmother-of-seven, bought Barney as a young parrot in 1998 and he has been perfecting her voice and accent ever since.

His favourite games is calling out to a cat named Shadow. He then praises him when he does as he is told and sits on top of Barney's cage.

Mr Sullivan said: "He always says 'come here', 'come on' and 'good dog' to the pets and gives out orders to all the animals in Margaret's voice.

"It's uncanny. He mimics her perfectly and when the dogs come over to the cage as if they are following his orders.

"The animals all think he's Margaret when he speaks. He loves ordering them around and commanding them – it's very surprising. He's not frightened or scared of them at all."


:P said...

ၾကတူေရြး စာမဖတ္တတ္လို႕ေတာ္ေသးတယ္..၊ ေတာ္ၾကာ သူက အဘြားၾကီးရဲ႕ Favorite မဟုတ္ေၾကာင္းသိသြားမွာ...။

allaboutourdogs said...

LOL! What a funny parrot! The dogs must be so scared. We had a parrot before but he can only mimic a few words.

Nicole, expert about cairn terriers