လိမ္တယ္ညာတယ္လူညာႀကီးရယ္... Indian man married 14 women in two years

Monday, August 31, 2009
Indian man married 14 women in two years 

အိႏၵိယနုိင္ငံသားအင္ဂ်င္နီယာအမ်ဴိးသားတစ္ဦးဟာအခ်ိန္ကာလႏွစ္ႏွစ္ခြဲအတြင္းမွာအမ်ဴိးသမီး ၁၄


တယ္...ထုိအမွဳေႀကာင္.အိႏၵိယနုိင္ငံရဲ.လူလတ္တန္းစားအမ်ဴိးသမီးမ်ားရဲ.အဆင္ ့အတန္းၿမင္ ့တဲ.လင္

ေယာက်ာၤးမ်ားေရြးခ်ယ္လက္ထပ္လုိမွဳၿပင္းၿပၿခင္းကုိသိသာထင္ရွားေစပါတယ္တဲ ့....

Tushar Waghmare လုိ ့အမည္ရွိတဲ ့အဆုိပါအင္ဂ်င္နီယာနဲ ့လက္ထပ္ခဲ ့တဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသမီးအမ်ားစုဟာ

ပညာတတ္မိန္းမမ်ားၿဖစ္ႀကေပမယ္ ့သူတုိ ့ဟာ အဆုိပါအမ်ဴိးသားဟာအင္ဂ်င္နီယာတစ္ေယာက္ၿဖစ္

တယ္ဆုိတာနဲ ့သူ ့ရဲ ့ဘ၀ေနာက္ေႀကာင္းကုိဆက္လက္စံုစမ္းေမးၿမန္းၿခင္းမရွိေတာ ့ပါဘူးတဲ ့....

ေဆြစဥ္မ်ဴိးဆက္အရမ်ဴိးရုိးအလုပ္အကုိင္အဆင္ ့အတန္းကုိအလြန္ပဲအေလးထားတဲ ့အိႏိၵယနုိင္ငံရဲ ့ဓေလ ့

အရအိမ္ေထာင္ၿပဳလက္ထပ္ၿခင္းဟာအလြန္ပဲအေရးႀကီးတဲ.ကိစၥတစ္ရပ္ၿဖစ္လုိ ့လက္ထပ္မဲ ့သတုိ ့သား

နဲ ့သူတုိ ့သမီးဟာခ်စ္သူေတြမၿဖစ္တတ္ႀကပဲအမ်ားအားၿဖင္.အဆင္ ့တူခ်င္းဂုဏ္ရည္တူၿခင္းစီစဥ္

ႀကတာမ်ားပါတယ္တဲ ့....

အသက္ ၄၀ အရြယ္ရွိ အင္ဒီးယားအဲယားလုိင္းကအင္ဂ်င္နီယာ Waghmare ဟာသူလက္ထပ္ေပါင္း

သင္းခဲ ့တဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသမီးေတြကုိအိႏၵိလူမ်ဴိးအိမ္ေထာင္ဖက္ေရြးခ်ယ္ေရးအင္တာနက္စာမ်က္ႏွာမွာေတြ ့ရွိ

ခဲ ့တာလုိ.ဆုိပါတယ္...အဲဒီ၀က္ဘ္ဆုိဒ္မွာသူဟာသူ ့ကုိယ္သူအိမ္ေထာင္ဖက္ႏွင္ ့ကြာရွင္းထားသူ၊ဇတ္

ၿမင္.ၿဗဟၼနအမ်ဴိးသမီးပညာတတ္မ်ားနဲ.ဖူးစာဆံုလုိသူပါလုိ ့ေဖၚၿပထားခဲ ့ပါတယ္တဲ ့.... 

သူရဲ  ့ပံုၿပင္ကုိယံုမွတ္လုိ.ပံုအပ္ၿပီးသူနဲ ့လက္ထပ္ခဲ ့တဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသမီးသံုးဦးဟာသူတုိ ့ကုိယ္တုိင္အင္ဂ်င္နီ

ယာ၊ဗိသုကာပညာရွင္ေတြၿဖစ္ေနႀကတာပါပဲ....သူမတုိ ့အားလံုးရဲ.မိဘေတြဟာ Waghmare နဲ ့ေတြ ့

ဆံုခဲ ့ႀကၿပီးသူတုိဟာသူ ့ရဲ  ့လစာ တစ္လ ရူပီး ၇၀၀၀၀ ( ေဒၚလာ ၁၄၃၀ ) ဆုိတာလည္း သိေရာတစ္

ၿခားဘာကုိမွဆက္မေမးနုိင္ေလာက္ေအာင္အထင္ႀကီးသြားခဲ ့ႀကရပါတယ္....

သူဟာထုိအမ်ဴိးသမီးေတြကုိလစာေငြေထာက္ပံ ့ခဲ ့တာမုိ.သံုးေလးရက္ေလာက္သူတုိ ့နဲ.ေပါင္းသင္းေန

ထုိင္ၿပီးေလေႀကာင္းလုိင္းအလုပ္တာ၀န္နဲ.ခရီးေ၀းကုိသြားၿပီးအလုပ္လုပ္ရမယ္ဆုိတဲ ့အေႀကာင္းၿပခ်က္

နဲ ့သူထြက္ခြာသြားတဲ ့အခါတိုင္းထုိအမ်ဴိးသမီးေတြဟာဘာမွေထြေထြထူးထူးေမးၿမန္းမေနေတာ.ပါ

ဘူးတဲ ့....

ေနာက္ဆံုးသူဟာလက္ထပ္ေပါင္းသင္းခဲ ့တဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသမိး ၁၄ ေယာက္စလံုးကုိလစာေငြနဲ ့မေထာက္ပံ ့နုိင္

ေတာ ့လုိ.မိန္းမေတြကသူ ့ကုိၿပန္ၿပီးေငြၿပန္ပုိ ့ေပးခဲ ့ရလုိ ့အခုလုိအၿဖစ္မွန္ေပၚေပါက္ၿပီးတရားစဲြဆုိခံခဲ.ရ


”သူ ့ရဲ.ေယာက္ခမေလာင္းေတြ၊ဇနီးေလာင္းေတြအကုန္လံုးဘယ္သူမွသူ ့ရဲ.ဘ၀ေနာက္ေႀကာင္းေတြကုိ

စံုစမ္းေမးၿမန္းဖုိ ့သတိေတာင္မရ၊မေတြးခဲ ့မိႀကပါဘူး...ဘာၿဖစ္လုိ ့လည္းဆုိေတာ ့သူဟာလစာ၀င္ေငြ

အင္မတန္ေကာင္းတဲ ့အင္ဂ်င္နီယာလည္းဆုိလိုက္ေရာ၊အားလံုးဟာအထင္ႀကီးလြန္သြားခဲ ့ႀကလုိ.ပါပဲ

ရဲတပ္ဖဲြ ့ေၿပာၿပခဲ ့ပါတယ္...


ကုမၸဏီပုိင္ရွင္မွ၊ဆရာ၀န္မွ၊အင္ဂ်င္နီယာမွ၊စစ္ဗုိလ္မွ၊သေဘၤာသားမွ စတဲ ့ .....

ေငြဂုဏ္၊ေႀကးဂုဏ္၊အဆင္ ့အတန္းမက္ေမာလြန္းတဲ ့အမ်ဴိးသမီးမ်ားသတိထားသင္ ့တာပါပဲ...

 အဂၤလိပ္လုိကေတာ.ဒီလုိဆုိထားေလရဲ  ့.....

 An Indian engineer has been charged with bigamy after wooing 14 women and marrying them in the space of just two and a half years. The case has revealed the desperation of middle class Indian women in their quest for a high-status husband.

Marriage is the most important assertion of status in India's rigidly hierarchical society, and is usually an alliance of compatible families more often than a love match between bride and groom. Mr Waghmare, 40, an Air India engineer from Mumbai, found the women on Indian matrimonial websites, where he described himself as a divorcee looking for a high-caste Brahmin career woman.

Three of the women who replied and eventually married him were engineers themselves or architects. Police said Mr Waghmare had met all their families, who were so awed by his £900-a-month salary that they failed to question him.
Because he provided for them, they did not ask him any questions when he spent up to just three days with each of the women a month before saying he had to work away from home.

ီDetectives said he was eventually caught when his salary would not stretch to each of his 14 wives and they had to support him instead. "None of the women or their parents ever thought of doing a background check on him as they would be impressed with his job profile," said a policeman.

သူတုိ.ဆီကမုိးေခၚပရိတ္ရြတ္ပဲြ... Mantra for rain ....


Mantra  for rain ....

မြန္ဘုိင္းက ေရတုိင္ကီထဲကပရိတ္ရြတ္ပဲြ....

( ၀ိပႆနာဂုရုႀကီးဦးဂုိအင္ဂါလည္းထုိၿမဳိ.တြင္ေနထုိင္ကာေရႊတိဂံုပံုတူေစတီေတာ္ႀကီးတည္ထား
ေလသည္...)  မုိးေခါင္ေရးရွားမွဳေႀကာင္.မုိးရြာသြန္းေစရန္ဟိႏၵဴဘာသာေရးသူေတာ္စင္ဆာဒူးမ်ား
ႀကာေအာင္ Sakara Mattham  မုိးနတ္မင္း အားအထူးတုိင္တည္ဆုေတာင္းဂါထာမ်ားရြတ္ဖတ္ပြား
မြန္ဘုိင္းၿမဳိ.အေနၿဖင္.မုိးေခါင္ေရရွားမွဳေႀကာင္.ေလာေလာဆယ္တြင္ ၁၅ ရာခုိင္ႏွဳံးေရၿဖတ္ေတာက္
ၿခင္းခံေနရၿပီးယခုလအတြင္းမုိးမရြာပါက ၃၀ ရာခုိင္ႏွံဳးအထိေရၿဖတ္ေတာက္ၿခင္းခံရမည္ဟုသိရပါသည္...

ကြ်န္ေတာ္တုိ.ဆီမွာေတာ ့ငါးရံ ့မင္းပရိတ္ ဆုိလား...မုိးေခၚပရိတ္တစ္မ်ဴိးေတာ ့ရိွတယ္ထင္ပါတယ္....

Hindu holy men chant mantras and pray in the Varuna ritual to appease
the rain God at the Sakara Mattham  in Mumbai yesterday. Ten priests stood
neck deep in water for over four hours to perform special prayers for the
arrival of rains. India's financial and entertainment capital is currently facing
the 15 percent cut in water supply and will have  to brace for a 30 percent
water cut from October 1 if there are no rains in this month .

မိန္းမေခ်ာ ...ေခ်ာသူေလး...

Sunday, August 30, 2009
မိန္းမေခ်ာ ...ေခ်ာသူေလး...

တရုတ္နုိင္ငံကေကာင္ေလးတစ္ေယာက္မိန္းမေခ်ာ ေခ်ာပံုကေတာ.အံ ့ႀသလြန္းလုိ ့လက္မွဳိင္ခ်

An ordinary Chinese guy, right? Nothing special.
If you are sure, then click to see more. 


ကဲ ....ေအာက္ကပံုကုိႀကည္.လုိက္ေတာ ့.....
ဟန္မူရာမခုိ.တရုိ  ့..... 
ၿပံဳးၿပံဳးေလးယဥ္တဲ ့သူ..... 
လူကုိႀကည္ ့ေနၿပန္ပါတယ္....

      အဲဒါမ်ဴိးေလးခ်က္တင္မွာေတြ.လုိက္လုိ.ကေတာ ့.....
             သတိသာထား....ကုိယ္.ဆရာတုိ ့ေရ.....

ဆုိက္ေဘးရီးယားကေယရွဳခရစ္တစ္ဖန္ၿပန္လည္၀င္စားသူ.... Jesus of Siberia

Jesus of Siberia: The Russian ex-traffic policeman who claims he is the son of God

သစ္သားပလႅင္ေပၚက ....ေယရွဳသခင္ ....
Russian ex-traffic cop Sergei Torop sits on his wooden throne during a meeting with his followers in the remote village of Petropavlovka

သူ၏မုတ္ဆိတ္က်င္စြယ္ႏွင္ ့ေပ်ာ ့ေၿပာင္းႏူးညံ ့ေသာဆံပင္မ်ားကေယရွဳသခင္၏ယခင္ပံုသ႑ာန္
သူ၏ေလလြင္ ့တုိင္းေၿမာေနေသာ၀တ္ရံုႏွင္ ့လူသားမ်ားအားအနစ္နာခံကယ္တင္ခြင္ ့လႊတ္တတ္
ေသာအၿပံဳးတုိ ့ကသူ ့ရုပ္ရည္ကုိတစ္ကယ္ ့သူေတာ္စင္တစ္ပါးအသြင္ထင္ဟပ္ေနေပသည္...
သုိ ့ေသာ္...သူ ့ကုိ ကုိးကြယ္ယံုႀကည္ႀကသည္  ့ ရုရွားနိင္၏ေ၀းလံေခါင္သီေသာဆုိက္ေဘးရီးယား
နယ္အစြန္အဖ်ားမွေဒသခံၿပည္သူမ်ားကေတာ ့ယခင္ယာဥ္ထိန္းရဲ၀န္ထမ္းေဟာင္း Sergei Torop
ကုိေယရွဳခရစ္သခင္ၿပန္လည္၀င္စားသည္ကလြဲလုိ ့အၿခားဘာမွ်လက္မခံနုိင္ႀကေပ...သူဟာေယရွဳ
သခင္မွေယရွဳသခင္အစစ္ပါပဲတဲ ့.....

ယခုအခါမွာေတာ.အသက္ ၄၈ ႏွစ္ရွိၿပီၿဖစ္တဲ ့Sergei Torop ဟာရုရွားနုိင္ငံၿမဳိ ့ေတာ္ေမာ္စကုိႏွင္ ့
မုိင္ေပါင္း  ၂၀၀၀ ေက်ာ္ကြာေ၀းတဲ ့  Petropavlovka  ဆုိတဲ ့ရြာငယ္ေလးမွာေနထုိင္လ်က္ရွိၿပီးလူ
ေပါင္း ၅၀၀၀ ေက်ာ္ရဲ  ့ဘာသာေရးေခါင္းေဆာင္တစ္ေယာက္ၿဖစ္ေနပါၿပီ...
သူ.ကုိႀကည္ညဳိကုိးကြယ္သူေတြထဲမွာအဆင္ ့ၿမင္ ့ေခတ္ပညာတတ္မ်ား၊အႏုပညာရွင္မ်ားနဲ ့မိမိတုိ ့

For thousands of followers, Vissarion is no less than the second coming of Jesus of Nazareth, reincarnated 2,000 years after his crucifixion, deep in the Siberian wilderness

Torop  ကုိသံမဏိကန္ ့လန္ ့ကာလုိ ့တင္စားေခၚတြင္ခဲ ့တဲ ့ဆုိဗီယက္ၿပည္ေထာင္စုႀကီးၿပဳိကဲြၿပီးစလူ
အမ်ားစိတ္ဓါတ္က်ဆင္းၿပီးယံုႀကည္မွဳအက်ပ္အတည္းဆုိက္ေနခ်ိန္ ၁၉၉၁ ခုႏွစ္တြင္  Vassarion

သူဟာဟုိးယခင္နန္းတြင္းေပ်ာက္ေစဆရာႀကီးရပ္စ္ၿပဴတင္မွစၿပီးအစဥ္အဆက္ၿဖစ္တည္ခဲ ့ေသာရုရွား
နုိင္ငံရဲ  ့ပုဂၢဳိလ္ေရးဆုိင္ရာလူစြမ္းေကာင္းကုိးကြယ္ယံုႀကည္မွဳအစဲြအလမ္းၿပယုဂ္ရဲ  ့ ေနာက္ဆံုးေပၚစံန

ရုရွားကြန္ၿမဴနစ္ေခါင္းေဆာင္ေတြၿဖစ္ခဲ ့ႀကတဲ ့လီနင္ေရာစတာလင္ပါအဲဒီရုရွားလူထုရဲ.ကုိးကြယ္ယံုႀကည္
မွဳဆုိင္ရာဘာသာေရးအယူသီးမွဳရဲ ့တန္ခုိးရွင္ေတြကုိစဲြလမ္းႀကည္ညဳိမွဳကုိစိမ္ ့၀င္ႀကဳိးပမ္းအသံုးခ်နုိင္ခဲ.ႀက

Russian ex-traffic policeman Sergei Torop, now known as Viassarion, meets with his  followers in the remote village of Petropavlovka

စစ္တပ္ထဲကထြက္ၿပီးေနာက္ Torop ဟာဆုိက္ေဘးရီးယားကၿမဳိ.ငယ္ေလးတစ္ခုၿဖစ္တဲ ့ Minusinsk
ၿမဳိ  ့မွာယာဥ္ထိန္းရဲအၿဖစ္ညပုိင္းေတြမွာတာ၀န္ထမ္းေဆာင္ခဲ ့တာအဲဒီရာထူးကေနရပ္စဲခံခဲ ့ရသည္အထိ
အဲဒီေနာက္တစ္ေန ့ေတာ ့ရုတ္တရက္ဆုိသလုိပဲ သူ ့ရဲ  ့မသိစိတ္အတြင္းအာရံုေတြနုိးႀကြလာၿပီးသူဟာ
သူ ့ကုိယ္သူလြန္ခဲ ့တဲ ့ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၂၀၀၀ ေလာက္ကကားစင္တင္ခံခဲ ့ရတဲ ့ေယရွဳခရစ္ေတာ္ၿပန္၀င္စား
ပါလုိ ့အေသအခ်ာသိလုိက္ရပါတယ္လုိ.ဆုိပါတယ္....
သူ ့ကုိထာ၀ရဘုရားသခင္ကယေန ့လက္ရွိကမ ၻာႀကီးရင္ဆုိင္ႀကံဳေတြ ့ေနရတဲ ့သဘာ၀ေဘးအႏ ၱရယ္
ဆုိးမ်ားနဲ ့ဆုိးရြားလွတဲ ့စစ္ပဲြေတြရဲ ့အနိဌာ၇ုံဆုိးက်ဴိးေတြအေႀကာင္းကုိလူသားေတြကုိေဟာေၿပာၿပသဆုိ
ဆံုးမဖုိ ့ဒီကမ ၻာေၿမကုိေစလႊတ္ခဲ ့တာလုိ.ဆုိပါတယ္....
သူပထမဦးဆံုးတရားစၿပီးေဟာေၿပာခဲ ့တဲ ့ႀသဂုတ္လ ၁၈ ရက္ေန ့ကုိသူတုိ ့ရဲ ့အထူးပဲြေတာ္ေန ့အၿဖစ္
သတ္မွတ္ခဲ ့တာမုိ ့သူ ့ကုိယံုႀကည္သူေတြအတြက္ေတာ ့ခရစ္စမတ္ပဲြေတာ္ေန ့ဆုိတာမရွိေတာ ့ပါဘူး....
သူဟာအခုဆုိအသက္ ၄၈ ႏွစ္အရြယ္ရွိၿပီမုိ ့သူ ့သာသနာရဲ ့သက္တမ္းကုိလည္းသူ ့အသက္အတုိင္းယူ
ၿပီးေရတြက္တာမုိ ့သူ ့ကုိယုံႀကည္သူအသုိင္းအ၀ုိင္းမွာေတာ ့သူတုိ ့၀တ္ၿပဳဆုေတာင္းတဲ ့ဘုရားေက်ာင္း
ရဲ ့သက္တမ္းဟာလည္း ၄၈ ႏွစ္ေက်ာ္လုိ. ၄၉ ႏွစ္ထဲမွာပါတဲ ့....

သူ ့ကုိအသက္အုိးအိမ္၊ရာထူးဂုဏ္သိမ္မ်ားစြန္ ့ၿပီးကုိးကြယ္ယံုႀကည္သူေတြဟာတင္းက်ပ္တဲ ့ဘာသာေရး
စည္းမ်ဥ္းထံုးတမ္းေတြကုိလုိက္နာႀကၿပီးသူတုိ ့ကုိေဆးလိပ္ေသာက္ၿခင္း၊အရက္ေသစာေသာက္သံုးၿခင္း၊

ရြာထဲကသူ ့ရဲ  ့၀တ္ၿပဳဆုေတာင္းရာဘုရားေက်ာင္းပတ္ပတ္လည္မွာသူ ့ကုိယံုႀကည္ကုိးကြယ္သူအ
ေယာက္ ၃၀၀ ေလာက္ဟာတဲငယ္ေလးေတြထုိးၿပီးေနထုိင္ႀကပါတယ္...( သက္ဆုိင္ရာဘာသာေနရး
ဌာနေတြကအသိအမွတ္မၿပဳလုိ. ) အဲဒီဘုရားရွိခုိးေက်ာင္းကုိေတာ ့မည္သည္  ့ေၿမပံုမွာမွရွာေတြ ့နုိင္

တစ္ၿခားေထာင္နဲ ့ခ်ီတဲ ့သူ ့ကုိယံုႀကည္သူေနာက္လုိက္မ်ားကေတာ ့ Petropavlovka  ရြာကေလးမွာ
ပဲသူတုိ ့အိမ္ကေလးေတြတည္ေဆာက္ၿပီးခက္ခဲႀကမ္းတမ္းတဲ ့ဆုိက္ေဘးရီးယားရဲ  ့နာမည္ေက်ာ္ေဆာင္း
ဒဏ္ကုိႀကံ  ့ႀကံ  ့ခံနုိင္ႀကပါတယ္...ဒါမွလည္းသူတုိ ့ရဲ.ထာ၀ရဘုရားသခင္ရဲ  ့သားေတာ္နဲ ့နီးနီးေနနုိင္

ရြာအနားကေတာင္ကုန္းေပၚကေခါင္းေလာင္းေႀကးစည္ႀကီးဟာတစ္ေန ့သံုးႀကိမ္ထုိးၿပီးအဲဒီအသံႀကားတာ
နဲ ့သူ ့ေနာက္လုိက္ေတြဟာခါးက်ဴိးမတတ္ခက္ခဲပင္ပန္းလွတဲ.ရုိးရာအသက္ေမြး၀မ္းေက်ာင္းအလုပ္ေတြ

ဘုရားသားေတာ္အၿဖစ္တစ္ဖန္ေပၚလာတဲ. ေယရွဳသခင္တစ္ၿဖစ္လဲ Vissarion  ဆရာကေတာ ့သူ ့ဇနီး
နဲ ့သားသမီးေၿခာက္ေယာက္တုိ ့အတူတစ္ကြေနထုိင္ႀကတဲ ့သူ ့ကုိယ္ပုိင္တဲအတြင္းမွာပန္းခ်ီဆဲြယင္းအခ်ိန္
ေတြကုိကုန္ဆံုးေစပါသတဲ ့....
ကေလးေတြထဲကတစ္ေယာက္ေသာကေလးကေတာ ့သူတုိ ့အဖဲြ ့ထဲကလင္ေယာက်ာၤးမရွိေတာ ့တဲ ့အမ်ဴိး

သူ ့ကုိမယံုႀကည္၊ေ၀ဖန္သူေတြကေတာ ့သူဟာသူ ့ကုိယ္က်ဴိးအတြက္ယံုႀကည္သူေနာက္လုိက္ေတြထံက
ေနဂုပ္ေသြးစုပ္အၿမတ္ထုတ္ေနတယ္လုိ ့စြပ္စဲြႀကပါတယ္....

အေမႊးနံ ့သာဆီမီးမ်ားႏွင္ ့....ကုိယ္ေတာ္ကုိ....ထြန္းညွိပူေဇာ္...
An elderly woman places a candle under a picture of 'Vissarion the Teacher', in the village's church

မႀကာေသးခင္ႏွစ္မ်ားအတြင္းကေတာ ့သူဟာ ၿပင္သစ္၊အီတလီနဲ ့ေဟာ္လန္ နုိင္ငံတုိ ့ကုိေနာက္ထပ္သူ ့
ကုိယံုႀကည္ကုိးကြယ္သူေတြထပ္မံဆဲြေဆာင္သိမ္းသြင္းရန္သာသနာၿပဳခရီးထြက္ခဲ ့ပါေသးတယ္....
သူ ့ရဲ  ့ဇာတိဘုရားရွိခုိးေက်ာင္းကေငြေႀကးရံပံုေငြမရရွိ၊မကုိင္တြယ္မသံုးစဲြတာမုိ ့အဲဒီခရီးစဥ္ေတြကုိပင့္
ဖိတ္တဲ ့အိိမ္ရွင္နုိင္ငံကလူေတြကအကုန္အက်ခံစီစဥ္ခဲ ့တာပါလုိ ့သူကေၿပာဆုိခဲ ့ပါတယ္....

အင္း....သမားရုိးက်ခရစ္ယာန္ဘာသာ၀င္မ်ားကေတာ ့ယံုႀကည္ႀကမွာမဟုတ္ေပမယ္...
    သူ ့အရပ္နဲ ့သူ ့ဇတ္ကေတာ ့ဟုတ္လုိ ့ပါပဲ ဗ်ာ....

မူရင္းသတင္းကေတာ ့ daily mail သတင္းစာမွာ ဒီလုိဆုိထားေလရဲ  ့ .....

The beard and long hair are both present and correct.

And with his flowing linen robes and beatific smile he certainly does a fine impression of a holy man.

But to his believers in this remote corner of Siberia, Sergei Torop, a former traffic policeman, is the literal reincarnation of none other than Jesus Christ.

Torop, 48, is the spiritual leader of at least 5,000 devoted followers, among them intellectuals, artists and professionals who flock to worship him in the small isolated village of Petropavlovka - more than 2000 miles from Moscow.

Torop was ‘reborn’ as ‘Vissarion’ in 1991 just as Russia was facing a crisis of confidence following the collapse of the iron curtain.

He is just the latest example of Russia’s predilection for 'personality cults' - a national obsession that leads back all the way to the days of Rasputin.

Both Lenin and Stalin tapped into the Russian people’s eagerness to embrace powerful figures and actively fostered the almost religious fervour with which they were worshipped.

After time spent in the Army, Torop had been working as a traffic policeman on the night shift in the small Siberia town of Minusinsk until he was made unemployed.

Suddenly something ‘awoke’ inside him, he says, and he instantly knew that he was the second coming of Christ - 2,000 years after he was first crucified.

He says he realised that God had sent him to Earth to teach mankind about the evils of war and the havoc we were wreaking on the environment.
With Christmas abolished his followers mark the day of his first sermon on August 18 as their special feast day.

Time in the community is measured by Vissarion’s life and so as he is 48 years old his Church is now living in year 49.

His followers, who have given up their lives to follow him, are strict vegans and are banned from smoking and drinking or handling money.

Around 300 of them live in wooden huts in the village that has grown up around his church and which does not appear on any maps.

Many thousands more have made their homes in the small villages that surround Petropavlovka and survive the vicious Siberian winters so that they can be close to their Messiah.

On a mountain close by their village a large bell tolls three times a day so the followers know when they should break off from their back-breaking work to kneel and pray.

Vissarion himself whiles away his days painting in his chalet where he lives with his wife and six children - one of whom he adopted from a single mother in the commune.

But critics in Russia have accused him of fleecing his loyal community of followers for personal gain.

In recent years he has travelled to France, Italy and Holland to 'convert' new followers although he claims that his visits were sponsored by his hosts and that his Church makes no money.

သတိ...မရယ္ရ၊မၿပံဳးရ.... Militants pull teeth with pincers

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Militants pull teeth with pincers

ဆုိမာလီနုိင္ငံေတာင္ပုိင္းမွ  Al Shabaab  အမည္ရွိအစၥလမ္အစြန္းေရာက္စစ္အုပ္စုတစ္စုဟာအစၥလမ္

မာကာၿမဳိ.မွာေနထုိင္သူေတြအဆုိအရ အဆုိပါစစ္အုပ္စုဟာေရႊသြားေငြသြားတတ္ထားသူမည္သူကုိ
Shabaab အဖဲြ.ဟာကုိယ္.ဘာသာကုိ္ယ္စုိက္ထားတဲ.ကြ်န္ေတာ္.ေငြသြားကုိဘာသာေရးအရအၿပစ္လုိ.

” သြားနွဳတ္တဲ.ေနရာမွာမ်က္ႏွာဖံုးတပ္ထားတဲ.ဆရာ၀န္လုိ.ေခၚတဲ.သူကသြားေတြႏွဳတ္ေပးေနတဲ.
လက္နဲ.ပဲဆဲြႏွဳတ္ေပးေနတာပါ...” လုိ. Bashir အမည္ရွိေငြသြားအႏွဳတ္ခံခဲ.ရသူကဆုိပါတယ္...
ေတာ္ဟာမိတ္ေဆြသံုးဦးနဲ.ဆုိင္ေကာင္တာမွာရယ္ေမာေၿပာဆုိေနတံုးလက္နက္ကုိင္ Shabaab သံုးဦး
ေရာက္လာၿပီးသူတုိ.နဲ.လုိက္ခဲ.ဖုိ.ေခၚသြားေတာ.တာပါပဲ ...” လုိ.သူကဆက္ေၿပာပါတယ္...

ထင္ပါတယ္ ” လုိ.သူကဆုိပါတယ္...


          မိတ္ေဆြ ...သင္.မွာေရႊသြားေငြသြားမ်ားရွိခဲ.မယ္ဆုိယင္ၿဖင္.  ...ဆုိမာလီေရာက္ခဲ.ယင္မၿပဳံးနဲ.
မရယ္နဲ.ေပါ. ( ဗုဒၶဟီးလုိ.ေတာ.မဆုိေလနဲ.ေပါ. )   ေနာ္.....

ပင္လယ္မွာေတာ.ပင္လယ္ဓါးၿပ...ကုန္းေပၚမွာေတာ.သြားဓါးၿပေပါ. ....

မူရင္းကေတာ.ဒီလုိဗ်ဴိ  ့.....
Somali Islamist group al Shabaab is forcibly removing gold and silver teeth from residents in southern Somalia because it says they contravene strict religious law, locals from a coastal town said.
Residents in Marka say al Shabaab has been rounding up anyone seen with a silver or gold tooth and taking them to a masked man who then rips them out using basic tools.
“I never thought al Shabaab would see my denture as a sin. They took me to their station and removed my silver tooth,” resident Bashir said.
“In the station, I met several men and women whose dentures were being pulled out by a masked man they called a doctor. The doctor used a pincer or his gloved hand depending on the strength of the tooth,” Bashir said.
“As you smile your silver tooth accuses you. I was at a counter with my friend when three armed al Shabaab ordered me to follow them,” he added.
“I am afraid they want to make money from taking all this precious metal.”
The Islamist group, who refused to comment, said gold and silver teeth are used for fashion and beauty, which is against strict interpretations of Islam.



 ေရႊၿပည္ႀကီးမွာေတာ ့သူ ့လုိသြားမလုပ္နဲ ့ေနာ္...

ကုိေမာင္ (ကုိေက်ာ္သူ )  တုိ ့အဖဲြ ့အလုပ္ရွဳပ္သြားလိမ္ ့မယ္....

သူကေတာ.ၿပံဳးလုိ ့ေပ်ာ္လို ့ပင္...

အသည္းငယ္သူဆုိယင္ေတာ ့မေတြးရဲစရာပင္....

This girl is crazy.
She lies under a moving train and gets up with a smile on her face afterwards.
I'm sure I would crap my pants.


ေဘးမွႀကည္  ့ေနသူကလည္းေအးေဆးပဲ....


စြန္ ့စားၿခင္းအစ...

သူတုိ.ဆီကရထားသံလမ္းကအဲဒီေလာက္ပဲၿမင္ ့ေလသလား...




အလုပ္မရွိယင္...တုိ ့ေရႊၿပည္ႀကီးကုိလာခဲ.ပါလားကြယ္...



       သူတုိ.ဆီမွာေတာ.လူသားအားလံုးအတြက္အခြင္ ့အေရးအၿပည္ ့အ၀ရွိတာမုိ ့လူပုေလးေတြလည္း


ႏွစ္သိမ္ ့ႀကည္ႏူး...သူတုိ ့ႏွစ္ဦး....


ႀကည္ႏူးမဆံုး...သူ ့အၿပဳံး....


သံၿပားပစ္ရန္...သူ ့ဟန္ပန္...

ဂုိက္ေပးႀကမ္းတဲ ့လူပုေလး...ေဘးလူကေတာင္ေငး ....



သံလံုးပစ္လဲမက်န္ ပဲ...ပါ၀င္ဆင္ကာႏႊဲ....



နုိင္ငံ ့ဂုဏ္ေဆာင္ေရကူးမယ္...အလံၿခံဳလုိ.ရယ္....
ဘ၀အေမာေတြေၿပေလ်ာေစဖုိ ့....

သူတုိ.ဆီကေစ်းသည္မ်ား... What are you selling?

Friday, August 28, 2009

What are you selling?



အာဖရိက က မိေက်ာင္းေရာင္းသူ....


 ဘရာဇီးမွာလဲဖြတ္၊ပုဒတ္ေရာင္း တယ္ ၀ယ္တယ္...
Leonardo Lima da Silva, 17, offers for sale to passing vehicles an armadillo that he and his brother hunted down to earn some cash, near Maraba in the Brazilian Amazon region, August 18, 2009. In spite of the government prohibition of the sale of wild animals for meat, many people in the region still hunt commercially for a living.
A man offers rabbits for sale on a street corner in downtown Santiago de Cuba, Cuba December 9, 2008. [Photo: Claudia Dau] 
အၿမန္မဆုိင္း...ရွန္ဟုိင္းကႀကက္ကင္... ဆဲြခဲ.မယ္...
A man looks at pickled chickens at a stall in downtown Shanghai, January 9, 2009. [Photo: Aly Song]

Tropical fish for sale are on display on a sidewalk in Gibara, Cuba April 18, 2008. [Photo: Claudia Daut]

အသြင္ဆန္းဆန္း ေစ်းသယ္ဗန္း....
 A man carries food for sale on a street in Kano, April 22, 2007. [Photo: Radu Sigheti]

A FLOWmarket employee adjusts cans labelled "holistic thinking" displayed in the shop in Shanghai June 6, 2007. FLOWmarket, which is translated as "Soul Market" in Mandarin, is founded by Danish artist Mads Hagstrom, made its China debut at a Shanghai arts festival. The shop sells empty bottles, cartons and cans with labels that preach spiritual concepts and self-love. [Photo: Aly Song]

A boy displays boiled rats for sale on the main highway in Malawi's capital Lilongwe June 20, 2009. [Photo: Thomas Mukoya]

ကံေကာင္းတဲ.ေခြးမ်ားအတြက္ဂ်ာမနီကသီးသန္.ေပါင္မုန္.ကိတ္မုန္.အေရာင္းဆုိင္ ပါတဲ.  ...
Labrador Ronja stands next to the display in its owner's dogs-only bakery in the western German city of Wiesbaden January 8, 2007. [Photo: Alex Grimm]

A vendor holds a chick as he waits for customers outside a market in Karachi February 1, 2008. [Photo: Athar Hussain]

An Indonesian vendor applies red colouring to chicks before selling them in Jakarta March 26, 2006. [Photo: Beawiharta]

A boy sits on a road divider waiting to sells Indian national flags at a traffic intersection in Mumbai August 14, 2007. [Photo: Arko Datta]