သူမုိ ့လွည္ ့စားရက္တယ္...
မိမိကုိယ္မိမိအပ်ဴိစင္တစ္ေယာက္ၿဖစ္သည္ဟု လက္ထပ္ခဲ့သည္ ့ခင္ပြန္းအား လိမ္လည္လွည္ ့ၿဖားခဲ ့သည့္အီဂ်စ္နုိင္ငံသူအမ်ဴိးသမီးတစ္ဦးအား ေလ်ာ္ေႀကးေငြ ေပါင္စတာလင္ ၅၂၄၀ ( ေဒၚလာ ၈ ေထာင္ခန္ ့) ခင္
ပြန္းၿဖစ္္သူကုိေပးေဆာင္ရန္ အမိန္ ့ခ်မွတ္ခဲ့ပါတယ္...
အမ်ဴိးသားၿဖစ္သူက ၎၏ဇနီးသည္အေနၿဖင္ ့ယခင္ကတစ္ႀကိမ္တစ္္ခါမွ်လက္မထပ္ခဲ ့ဖူးတာမုိ ့အပ်ဴိစင္
တစ္ေယာက္ၿဖစ္ခဲ ့ေႀကာင္းၿဖင္ ့လိမ္လည္လွည္ ့ၿဖားခဲ ့ကာ ထုိသုိ ့ သူမအားအပ်ဴိစင္အၿဖစ္္ထင္ေယာင္ထင္
ထင္မွားၿဖစ္ေစရန္ခဲြစိတ္ၿပဳၿပင္အလွဆင္ခဲ ့ေႀကာင္းၿဖင္ ့ယူေအအီးနုိင္ငံ၊ ၿမဳိ ့ေတာ္္အဘူဒါဘီတရားရံုး အယူ
ခံခံုရံုးအထိေရာက္ခဲ ့သည္ ့ခါးသီးနာႀကည္းဖြယ္ရာ ကြာရွင္းၿပတ္စဲေႀကာင္းတရားရင္ဆုိင္မွဳတြင္ စြပ္စြဲေဖၚ
ၿပခဲ ့ပါတယ္...
ထုိအမ်ဴိးသမီးအေနၿဖင္ ့သူမ၏ခင္ပြန္းအားလိမ္လည္လွည္ ့ၿဖားခဲ ့ေႀကာင္းဆံုးၿဖတ္ခဲ ့သည္ ့ယခင္တရားရံုး
၏အမိန္ ့အားဆက္လက္အတည္ၿပဳလုိက္ၿပီး ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူအေနၿဖင္ ့စိတ္ထိခိုက္နာက်င္ခံစားရသည္ ့အ တြက္ နစ္နာေႀကးကုိလည္း ပုိမုိရသင့္ေႀကာင္း တုိးၿမွင္ ့သတ္မွတ္ေပးခဲ ့ပါတယ္...

အတုအပသတိၿပဳ.... နစ္နာေႀကး ေပါင္စတာလင္ ၅၀၀၀
Accused: An Egyptian bride has been ordered to
pay more than £5,000 compensation to her husband after he accused her of
lying about being a virgin before they married (file picture)
ထုိေလ်ာ္ေႀကးေငြကေတာ ့အာရပ္ကမာၻရဲ ့ဓေလ့ထံုးစံအရ အလိမ္အညာမိသြားလို ့အရွက္တကြဲအက်ဴိး
နည္းၿဖစ္ရတဲ ့သတုိ ့သားႏွင္ ့မိသားစု၀င္ေတြအတြက္ေၿဖသိမ္ ့စရာအၿဖစ္ ရည္ရြယ္ပါတယ္...
မမွန္မကန္ထည့္သြင္းေဖၚၿပခဲ ့သည့္ကိစၥရပ္မ်ားႏွင္ ့ပါတ္သက္ၿပီးအေၿခတည္ကာၿဖစ္ပြားခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္ပါတေယ္...
အမ်ဴိးသမီးအေနၿဖင္ ့ယခင္တစ္ႀကိမ္က လက္ထပ္ခဲ ့ၿပီးထုိစဥ္ကခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူႏွင္ ့ကြာရွင္းၿပတ္စဲခဲ ့တယ္
လို ့တရားရံုးကဆံုးၿဖတ္ခဲ ့ပါတယ္...
သူမအေနၿဖင္ ့ဖခင္ၿဖစ္သူ၏အကူအညီၿဖင္ ့လက္ထပ္စာခ်ဴပ္တြင္ ယခင္ကလက္ထပ္ခဲ ့ဖူးၿခင္းမရွိ၊ တစ္
ၿခားေယာက်ာၤးတစ္ဦးၿဖင္ ့အိပ္စက္ေပ်ာ္ပါးၿခင္းမရွိခဲ ့ေႀကာင္း လိမ္လည္ေဖာ္ၿပခဲ ့တယ္လို ့သတင္းဌာန
ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူထံသို ့အၿငဳိးၿဖင္ ့ေပးပို ့လိုက္ေသာ တယ္လီဖံုးမက္ေဆ ့ခ်္မ်ားေႀကာင္ ့၎တို ့ဇနီးေမာင္ႏွံ၏
အိမ္ေထာင္ေရးၿပဳိကြဲပ်က္ဆီးခဲ ့ရတာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...
လက္ထပ္ၿပီး ၃ ႏွစ္ႀကာၿပီးေနာက္ ကေလးတစ္ေယာက္ရအၿပီးတြင္ လက္ရွိခင္ပြန္းထံသို ့အမည္မသိသူထံ
မွ ၎၏ဇနီးၿဖစ္သူမွ ယခင္ကလက္ထပ္ခဲ ့ဖူးေႀကာင္းေဖာ္ၿပသည့္ ဖုံးမက္ေဆ ့ခ်္ ေရာက္ရွိလာခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္
ေႀကာင္းတရားရံုးမွတ္တမ္းမ်ားက ဆုိပါတယ္...

အာရပ္လူမွဳအသိုင္းအ၀န္းမွာေတာ ့ကြာရွင္းၿပတ္စဲၿခင္းဟာ ဂုဏ္သိကၡာညဳိးႏြမ္း၊ အရွက္ရေစတယ္
လို ့( အထူးသၿဖင့္အမ်ဴိးသမီးမ်ားအေနၿဖင္ ့) မွတ္ယူထားႀကပါတယ္....
Tradition: Divorce is still frowned upon by some
parts of Arab society and is seen as an embarrassment for those
involved and their families
အဆုိဖံုးမက္ေဆ ့ခ်္ ပို ့ၿပီးေနာက္ ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူထံသုိ ့ထုိအမ်ဴိးသမီး၏ယခင္က ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူႏွင္ ့ကြာရွင္း
ေႀကာင္းအေထာက္အထားစာရြက္စာတမ္းအားလည္း ေရာက္ရွိခဲ ့တာမုိ ့၎အေနၿဖင္ ့အီဂ်စ္နုိင္ငံသူဇနီး
သည္အား လိမ္လည္လွည္ ့ၿဖားမွဳၿဖင္ ့ကြာရွင္းခြင္ ့ေတာင္းေစခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...
ယခုကဲ ့သုိ ့၎အေနၿဖင္ ့လိမ္လည္လွည္ ့ၿဖားခံခဲ ့ရသၿဖင္ ့ပါတ္၀န္းက်င္အသိုင္းအ၀ုိင္းတြင္ ယံုႀကည္မွဳ
ပ်က္ၿပားခဲ ့ရၿပီး စိတ္ဓါတ္က်ဆင္းမွဳလည္းၿဖစ္ခဲ့ရတာမုိ ့စိတ္နာႀကင္ခံစားမွဳအတြက္ နစ္နာေႀကးရထုိက္
တယ္လို ့ထုိအမ်ဴိးသားကေတာင္းဆုိခဲ့တာၿဖစ္ပါတယ္...
၎၏ဇနီးသည္ဟာ သူမကုိယ္သူမ အပ်ဴိစင္တစ္ေယာက္ကဲ ့သုိ ့ထင္မွတ္ေစရန္ အာရပ္နုိင္ငံအခ်ဴိ ့တြင္
ေခတ္စားေနသည္ ့အမ်ဴိးသမီးမ်ား အပ်ဴိစင္ကဲ ့သို ့ၿပန္ၿဖစ္ေစသည္ ့ခဲြစိတ္ၿပဳၿပင္မွဳမ်ဴိးၿပဳလုပ္ခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္ တယ္လို ့ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူက စြပ္စဲြခဲ ့ပါတယ္...
ဒီအမွဳကေတာ ့လြန္ခဲ့သည္ ့ႏွစ္ ဂ်ဴလိုင္လတြင္ ယူေအအီးနုိင္ငံ၊ ဒူဘုိင္းၿမဳိ ့တြင္တရားရံုးေတာ္တစ္ခုမွ ခင္
ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူအား အင္တာနက္မွ မဖြယ္မရာ၊ညစ္ညစ္ရုပ္ပံု၊ ဗီဒီယိုမ်ားအား အလြန္အမင္း၊ အရူးအမူးစဲြလမ္း
ေနေႀကာင္းဆံုးၿဖတ္ကာ ကြာရွင္းၿပတ္စဲၿပီး အမ်ဴိးသမီးအားနစ္နာေႀကး ေပါင္စတာလင္ ၁၆၀၀၀ ရရွိေစခဲ ့
သည္ ့အံ့ႀသထူးဆန္းဖြယ္ ဆံုးၿဖတ္ခ်က္ႏွင္ ့ဆန္ ့က်င္ဖက္ၿဖစ္ေနခဲ့ပါတယ္....
ယခုၿဖစ္ပြားခဲ ့သည့္ဇနီးေမာင္ႏွံ၏ အိမ္ေထာင္ေရးကေတာ ့စကတည္းကယဥ္သကုိဆုိသလို ပ်ားရည္ဆန္း
ခရီးထြက္ကတည္းကပင္ ခင္ပြန္းၿဖစ္သူမွ ၎တြင္လိင္မွတစ္ဆင္ ့ကူးစက္တတ္သည့္ေရာဂါၿဖစ္ေနခဲ ့ၿပီး ယေန ့ထိတုိင္ကုသေနရဆဲၿဖစ္သည္ဟု၀န္ခံေၿပာဆုိခဲ ့သည္ဟုလည္း တရားရံုတြင္ထြက္ဆုိခဲ ့ႀကသည္ဟု ဆုိပါတယ္....
An Egyptian woman has been ordered to pay her former husband £5240 in compensation after he discovered she had lied to him about her virginity.
The man acစused his wife of deceiving him into believing she had never been married before - and therefore a virgin - and of having surgery to fake her virginity, during a bitter divorce battle which went to the court of appeal in Abu Dhabi.
The court upheld a previous ruling that found she had deceived her husband and increased the compensation she must now pay for the emotional damage she caused him.The money is also meant to help him overcome the stigma of what is considered in some parts of Arab society to be an embarrassing ordeal for him and his family.
The case centred around the original marriage contract made by the couple where the Egyptian bride, the court heard, allegedly faked a number of key points about her background.
The court established the woman had been married earlier and had divorced her first husband. It also acknowledged that she had made false statements 'with the help of her father, in the couple’s marriage contract - stating that she had never been married or had sex,' according to press reports.
The demise of the couple’s marriage came about following a spiteful sms message sent to the current husband, the court heard. Court records show that after three years of marriage, and the birth of a child, her current husband received an anonymous text message informing him that his wife had been married in the past.
The text message was later followed up by a copy of the woman’s divorce document which was also sent to the husband as proof, prompting the man to file for divorce against his Egyptian wife for lying to him.
He claimed compensation from her for the emotional damage he suffered, claiming that he was 'suffering from depression and had lost trust in the people around him as a result of her deception.'
The husband also accused his wife of undergoing surgery to make it seem as though she was a virgin – a simple operation which is becoming increasingly common in some Arab countries.
This is far from the first bizarre divorce case in the United Arab Emirates. In July of last year a Dubai court reportedly awarded an Emirati woman about £16,000 in a shocking divorce settlement, after she claimed her husband was 'obsessed' with internet pornography.
It was also heard in court that their wedding was doomed from the beginning when the bridegroom allegedly admitted on their honeymoon to having sexually transmitted diseases which were currently being medically treated.
ဒီလိုသာ ဒဏ္ရိုက္ရမယ္ ဆိုရင္ျဖင့္ ... :)
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