
Monday, January 25, 2010

Ocala couple have chicken with odd anatomy



ပုိင္ရွင္ၿဖစ္သူ Alfredo Cruz ႏွင္ ့အတူေတြ ့ရတဲ ့ဖင္နွစ္ေပါက္နဲ ့ႀကက္ မ J-Lo
Alfredo Cruz of Ocala holds his chicken J-Lo Wednesday afternoon outside the Marion County Extension Office.

အေမရိကန္နုိင္ငံ၊ ဖေလာရီဒါၿပည္နယ္၊ အုိကလာေဒသ ကဇနီးေမာင္ႏွံတစ္စံုရဲ ့ၿခံမွာ ထူးထူးဆန္း
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ႏွံဟာ သူတုိ ့ရဲ ့မိတ္ေဆြတစ္ဦးဆီကေန ထုိႀကက္မ ကုိမႀကာေသးခင္က ၀ယ္ယူခဲ ့တာၿဖစ္တယ္
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အဂၤလိပ္လို သတင္းေလးပါ...
With the help of Nola Wilson, a small animal extention agent with the Marion County Extension Office, Wilson verified that Cruz's chicken in fact has two two pubic areas. The two pubic areas is where chickens lay eggs and relieve themselves. "We give the eggs away to neighbors," Cruz said. "We just want to keep her. We don't want to make any profit. Now we'll keep her until one of the hawks come and get her," Cruz said with a chuckle.
There is a chicken in Ocala with two rear-ends.

Not Earth-shattering news, mind you, but it is an anomaly that has a Marion County agricultural agent puzzled and seeking answers. How is this possible? How common is it? Should the hen breed?
Southwest Ocala residents Alfredo and Ana Cruz bought the Red Star chicken from a friend recently with a batch of other chickens. They raise the animals for fun, eating and sharing the egg bounty with friends and family.

Weeks after the purchase, Ana said, she noticed the hen had a fuller back area, accentuated by the chicken's plume of white feathers. The couple brushed the feathers away and found two pubic regions, spaced about two inches apart horizontally. Typically, there is one such region in the center with a single orifice.
The couple dubbed the chicken J-Lo after shapely celebrity Jennifer Lopez.
"You know the singer? She has a lot of butt. Well, this one is bigger," Alfredo said Wednesday, motioning toward the chicken, which was snacking on uncooked rice and casually strolling around her pet-carrying case.
He spoke from the Marion County Agricultural Complex, where the couple met Nola Wilson, the small-animal extension agent. The appointment was set up so Wilson could examine the chicken.
Wilson's professional assessment: Yes, J-Lo has two pubic regions, one slightly larger than the other. And, no, Wilson has never seen anything like it.


Anonymous said...

JLO ေရရွင့္သာဒီၾကက္မရဲ႔သတင္းၾကားရရင္ဘာျဖစ္သြားမလဲသိခ်င္တာ

ေရႊရတုမွတ္တမ္း said...


JulyDream said...

ဟားဟား... လင္ ၂ ေယာက္ ရ မရေတာ့ မသိဘူး။ ေလာေလာဆယ္ တေပါက္က ဥ ဥ ဖို႕ တေပါက္က အီးအီးပါဖို႕ ျဖစ္ေနၿပီ။

ေရႊဘကၳရီ ေၾကာ္ျငာေတာင္ သတိရသြားတယ္။ တလံုးက မီးထြန္းဖို႕ တလံုးက ကက္ဆက္ဖြင့္ဖို႕ ဆိုၿပီး ေအာ္ေနတဲ့ ေမသန္းႏုကိုေတာင္ လြမ္းသလိုလို ရွိသားဗ်ာ။